Raspberry Pi Zero MIDI PCB Build Guide

Here are the build notes for my Raspberry Pi Zero MIDI PCB. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! If you are new to microcontrollers and single board computers, see the Getting Started pages. Bill of Materials Raspberry Pi Zero … Continue reading Raspberry Pi Zero MIDI PCB Build Guide

XIAO Pi USB MIDI Device PCB – Part 2

Here are the build notes for my XIAO Pi USB MIDI Device PCB. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! These are the key tutorials for the main concepts used in this project: XIAO SAMD21, Arduino and MIDI 3V3 … Continue reading XIAO Pi USB MIDI Device PCB – Part 2


One thing missing from a MiniDexed build is USB device support.  The Raspberry Pi will act as a USB host to USB devices, but the MiniDexed can't be plugged into another USB host.  Some versions of the Raspberry Pi (notably the zero and 3A+) support USB On The Go (OTG) which means they can act … Continue reading XIAO Pi USB MIDI Device PCB

XIAO MIDI Proto PCB – Part 2

Here are the build notes for my XIAO MIDI Proto PCB. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! If you are new to microcontrollers, see the Getting Started pages. Bill of Materials XIAO MIDI Proto PCB (GitHub link below). 1x … Continue reading XIAO MIDI Proto PCB – Part 2


This is a re-design of my 3V3 MIDI Module PCB and Arduino MIDI Proto Shield for the Seeed Studio XIAO series of microcontrollers. Build Guide: XIAO MIDI Proto PCB – Part 2. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! These are the … Continue reading XIAO MIDI Proto PCB

Arduino “Make Your Uno” Synth – 5 – MIDI IN

Having now tried a number of stand-alone projects, I thought it was time to get the Synth Shield hooked up to something else.  And for music, that means MIDI!  This project looks at building and using a serial ("traditional") MIDI IN circuit for the Synth Shield. The full index of projects and my personal build … Continue reading Arduino “Make Your Uno” Synth – 5 – MIDI IN

Arduino Stackable TRS MIDI Interface

As Arduino MIDI Interfaces are so common in most of my builds, I decided to build a "stackable" module.  This was partly triggered by the release recently of the official Arduino "Make Your Uno" kit which comes with a synth shield you can build.  But it doesn't have MIDI so I thought something like this would … Continue reading Arduino Stackable TRS MIDI Interface

Raspberry Pi Pico Dual MIDI Carrier – Part 2

This is the build guide for my Raspberry Pi Pico Dual MIDI Carrier to support my dual-MIDI interfaces for a Raspberry Pi Pico designed by @VE7FIM from Twitter.  Although designed largely for my own personal use with that specific dual-MIDI module, it could still also be used to link to several off-the-shelf MIDI modules if required. If … Continue reading Raspberry Pi Pico Dual MIDI Carrier – Part 2

Raspberry Pi Pico Dual MIDI Carrier

I mentioned in Raspberry Pi Pico Multi MIDI Router - Revisited that I have several dual-MIDI interfaces for a Raspberry Pi Pico designed by @VE7FIM from Twitter.  In that post I built a simple proto-board carrier for the Pico.  In this post I have a pcb design for something to do the same.  This is definitely … Continue reading Raspberry Pi Pico Dual MIDI Carrier