Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK and TinyUSB MIDI

I've been meaning to take a proper look at the Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK for quite some time, but have been putting it off.  With good reason it would appear!  But I've finally got to the start of being able to build the Tiny USB test MIDI application myself and so have a good … Continue reading Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK and TinyUSB MIDI

Raspberry Pi Pico Multi MIDI Router – Revisited

After publishing the details of my diy proto-board version of my Raspberry Pi Pico Multi MIDI Router I got into a conversation with @VE7FIM on Twitter about MIDI boards for the Pico and they very kindly offered to design and build a dual MIDI interface board for me for my Pico.  This was back in … Continue reading Raspberry Pi Pico Multi MIDI Router – Revisited

Raspberry Pi Pico Multi MIDI Router – Part 3

The obviously missing part of my Raspberry Pi Pico Multi MIDI Router is the use of USB MIDI.  The Pico should support both USB host and device functionality, but I think you need to get into the C software development kit to do that properly, something I've not looked at yet. One of the easiest ways … Continue reading Raspberry Pi Pico Multi MIDI Router – Part 3

CircuitPython USB to Serial MIDI Router

I've indirectly used USB and Serial MIDI with CircuitPython a few times now, but haven't explicitly shown how to use it as a simple USB (device) to serial MIDI converter.  This project shows how to do that.  Any CircuitPython device should be usable like this, but I've used this as an excuse to do something … Continue reading CircuitPython USB to Serial MIDI Router

Yet Another Toy Keyboard USB MIDI Controller – Part 2

So this follows on from the first part and adds MIDI, some buttons to control the keyboard and gives it a voice of its own. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! If you are new to microcontrollers, … Continue reading Yet Another Toy Keyboard USB MIDI Controller – Part 2