Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 3

Having prototyped a patch changer for my Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth this shows how that can be achieved in a slightly more useful manner using a shift register to control the 7-segment display. It also follows through a build using my Arduino MIDI Proto Shield PCB. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard … Continue reading Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 3

Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 2

Another I've wanted to do with my Arduino MIDI Proto Shield PCB is link it with my Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth to provide a means of selecting the voice from the shield itself.  As I almost always pair my VS1053 shield with an off the shelf MIDI module to use it, this seems like a natural thing … Continue reading Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 2

Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Controller – Part 2

Having just received back my Arduino MIDI Proto Shield PCBs I was thinking of a project to use them on and decided that a rotary encoder patch changer would be ideal, so this is a rebuild of my Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Controller using my MIDI proto shield. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second … Continue reading Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Controller – Part 2

Pico Dual-core MIDI Visualisations

I started this project as I had just bought two new toys from The Pi-Hut: Waveshare RGB Full-colour 16x10 LED Matrix Panel Waveshare 4-Digit 8-Segment Display Module My initial thinking was to re-run the Pico Unicorn MIDI Visualiser and the Arduino MIDI 7 Segment Controller with these new devices and a Pico.  But whilst playing around, I … Continue reading Pico Dual-core MIDI Visualisations

Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Step Sequencer

I'm thinking about other applications for a rotary encoder and one thought was to support a multi-step, step sequencer with just a single knob, so this takes the Arduino MIDI Step Sequencer and recodes it to use the rotary encoder and 7 segment display described in Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Controller. Here are some links to … Continue reading Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Step Sequencer

Arduino MIDI 7 Segment Controller – Part 2

As mentioned in my previous post,  the Arduino MIDI 7 Segment Controller is ripe for turning into a self-contained module.  To keep it all relatively small, I opted to build an add-on board for an Arduino Nano. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any … Continue reading Arduino MIDI 7 Segment Controller – Part 2