Multi-Mode MIDI Step Sequencer – CDR Format – Part 2

This post is the second part of my series to document the building of a "CDR format" (CD Rack Format) panel version of my Multi-Mode MIDI Step Sequencer. Part 1 detailed the build and testing of the panel. This part updates and enhances the Multi-Mode MIDI Step Sequencer code to run on the panel. reading Multi-Mode MIDI Step Sequencer – CDR Format – Part 2

Multi-Mode MIDI Step Sequencer – CDR Format

When I put together the Multi-Mode MIDI Step Sequencer it was with an eye to creating some kind of "modular" style panel format.  This post documents the building of a "CDR format" (CD Rack Format) panel version. This part details the build and testing of the panel. Part 2 will update and enhance the Multi-Mode MIDI … Continue reading Multi-Mode MIDI Step Sequencer – CDR Format

Arduino MIDI Mux Step Sequencer – Part 2

By way of completing this initial look at multiplexing potentiometers, this is how I used a Sparkfun 16 port multiplexer in my Arduino MIDI Step Sequencer. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard for your MIDI experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! These are the key Arduino … Continue reading Arduino MIDI Mux Step Sequencer – Part 2

Arduino MIDI Mux Step Sequencer

If you keep using single IO ports of the Arduino for your controls you reach the limits pretty quickly.  In terms of analog IO that is six inputs for an Uno and eight for a Nano.  The solution is relatively straightforward however, use a multiplexer. This project inserts a 74HC4051 eight port multiplexer into the Arduino … Continue reading Arduino MIDI Mux Step Sequencer

Arduino MIDI Step Sequencer

This adds MIDI out capability to the Arduino Tone Step Sequencer.  Here it is driving a Roland MT-32 paired with the Arduino Light Mozzi Generator – Part 2. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard for your MIDI experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! These are the key … Continue reading Arduino MIDI Step Sequencer