Trinket USB MIDI Multi-Pot Mozzi Synthesis – Part 2

This is a first go at getting polyphony running on my Trinket M0 USB Mozzi synth.  It is very much a work in progress though as I've just not managed to get the right balance of the different aspects of the system running together yet.  But I thought I'd pause and report what I have … Continue reading Trinket USB MIDI Multi-Pot Mozzi Synthesis – Part 2

Trinket FM Synthesis with Mozzi

Having played around a little with the Adafruit Trinket M0 I'm now starting to spend some time learning about the SAMD21 processor on board as part of an investigation into 32-bit ARM processors and their possibilities for synthesis. In a follow-up post I add MIDI host support via the built-in USB port. In a further … Continue reading Trinket FM Synthesis with Mozzi