Arduino PCF8574/8575 MIDI Controller

This project uses a PCF8574 or PCF8575 I2C digital IO expander with an Arduino as a MIDI controller. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! These are the key Arduino tutorials for the main concepts used in this … Continue reading Arduino PCF8574/8575 MIDI Controller

Arduino MIDI Multi Pot Controller

Once again, I've realised that whilst I've now completed a number of multi-potentiometer MIDI controller projects, I haven't actually written up a non-multiplexed, multi-potentiometer controller. This projects fills that gap! Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! These are … Continue reading Arduino MIDI Multi Pot Controller

XIAO SAMD21, Arduino and MIDI – Part 8

This post brings together some custom PCB designs for use with a Seeedstudio XIAO SAMD21. Other parts in this series: Part 1 - Introduction to the XIAO SAMD21 and some projects to get started. Part 2 - Looking at accessing additional serial ports and using them for MIDI. Part 3 - Mozzi FM synthesis using … Continue reading XIAO SAMD21, Arduino and MIDI – Part 8

XIAO SAMD21, Arduino and MIDI – Part 7

This post looks at the possibilities of using I2C peripherals with a Seeedstudio XIAO SAMD21 and the XIAO Expansion Board.  The projects should work with either USB MIDI or serial MIDI via an external MIDI module. Note: There is just one project described at present, but others will be added to this post as they … Continue reading XIAO SAMD21, Arduino and MIDI – Part 7

Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 3

Having prototyped a patch changer for my Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth this shows how that can be achieved in a slightly more useful manner using a shift register to control the 7-segment display. It also follows through a build using my Arduino MIDI Proto Shield PCB. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard … Continue reading Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 3

Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 2

Another I've wanted to do with my Arduino MIDI Proto Shield PCB is link it with my Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth to provide a means of selecting the voice from the shield itself.  As I almost always pair my VS1053 shield with an off the shelf MIDI module to use it, this seems like a natural thing … Continue reading Arduino VS1053 General MIDI Synth – Part 2

Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Controller – Part 2

Having just received back my Arduino MIDI Proto Shield PCBs I was thinking of a project to use them on and decided that a rotary encoder patch changer would be ideal, so this is a rebuild of my Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Controller using my MIDI proto shield. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second … Continue reading Arduino MIDI Rotary Encoder Controller – Part 2

Arduino Touchscreen X-Y MIDI Controller

I have a list of other projects I'd like to use my cheap touchscreen MIDI controller for.  For details see the original discussion here: Arduino Touchscreen MIDI Controller. In this project I turn it into an "X-Y" controller - essentially a two-dimensional potentiometer.  Moving in the Y direction changes one value and moving in the X … Continue reading Arduino Touchscreen X-Y MIDI Controller