ESP32 and PWM – Part 3

I'm continuing my look into the ESP32 and PWM. This time I'm adding in some analog control to introduce an element of frequency modulation to the synthesis. Part 1 - All the theory and research around PWM and the ESP32. Part 2 - Generating different waveforms on multiple channels. Part 3 - Introducing analog control and frequency … Continue reading ESP32 and PWM – Part 3

XIAO SAMD21, Arduino and MIDI – Part 3

In this post I wire up the DAC and start up Mozzi using my Arduino Multi-pot Mozzi FM Synthesis on the Seeedstudio XIAO SAMD21 board (previously known as the Seeeduino XIAO). Previous parts in this series: Part 1 - Introduction to the XIAO SAMD21 and some projects to get started. Part 2 - Looking at accessing … Continue reading XIAO SAMD21, Arduino and MIDI – Part 3

MiniDexed TX816 – Part 7 – In use!

Now that my MiniDexed TX816 seems largely usable (for me at least), this is the last part in the series for the time being and is simply a short demonstration of the module in use! Here is an 80s style FM synth version of Jupiter from Holst's Planets Suite. Previous posts in this series: Part … Continue reading MiniDexed TX816 – Part 7 – In use!

MiniDexed TX816 – Part 6 – Pico MIDI Router and TX816 IO Code

It's been a while since finishing the MiniDexed TX816 Mechanical Assembly and I had a bit of a distraction recently rebuilding my Lo-Fi Orchestra, but I've also been tinkering with the code for the TX816 IO panel and router.  This post looks into a bit more detail what it is all doing. Posts in this series: … Continue reading MiniDexed TX816 – Part 6 – Pico MIDI Router and TX816 IO Code

Arduino “Make Your Uno” Synth – 6 – MIDI Mozzi FM Synth

Putting together everything I have so far, this presents a basic MIDI controlled Mozzi FM synth. The full index of projects and my personal build notes can be found here: Arduino “Make Your Uno” Synth. This post contains the following experiments: MIDI Mozzi FM Synth Further Mozzi MIDI Experiments Warning! I strongly recommend using old … Continue reading Arduino “Make Your Uno” Synth – 6 – MIDI Mozzi FM Synth

Arduino “Make Your Uno” Synth – 2 – Mozzi Experiments

Tones was the obvious first choice for some experiments, but I've now jumped straight to Mozzi experiments as the second suggested sketch on the Arduino tutorial is a Mozzi sketch.  Otherwise I'd have probably saved this for a little later, but here are some Mozzi experiments you can do with your board right away. Of … Continue reading Arduino “Make Your Uno” Synth – 2 – Mozzi Experiments

Arduino Nano Multi-pot FM and String Synthesis

Having now built my Arduino Nano Multi-tone or PWM PCB this project is by way of preparation for its use in my Lo-Fi Orchestra.  Specially, it will support the existing strings and an expanded woodwind section, utilising the following projects: Arduino Multi Mozzi String Synth - Part 2 Arduino Multi-pot Mozzi FM Synthesis Warning! I strongly … Continue reading Arduino Nano Multi-pot FM and String Synthesis

SAMD51 USB MIDI Multi-Pot Mozzi Synthesis

When I left my Trinket USB MIDI Multi-Pot Mozzi Synthesis – Part 3 I had the following: Mozzi synthesis on the Trinket M0 board (that uses the SAMD21 Cortex M0+ processor core at 48MHz). Four note polyphony. USB device functionality - it can be controlled via MIDI over USB from a PC. USB host functionality - … Continue reading SAMD51 USB MIDI Multi-Pot Mozzi Synthesis