WS003 – Drums and Touch

This is the next of my worksheets collecting together a number of related projects with a single list of parts and a suggested "building order".  This time all relating to touch interfaces or percussive projects. This worksheet links together the following projects: Arduino Relay Bolero Arduino MIDI Relay Drumkit Arduino MIDI Relay Servo Drumkit Instant … Continue reading WS003 – Drums and Touch

WS002 – MIDI In, MIDI Monitors and Effects

This second worksheet looks at projects related to receiving and processing MIDI messages, providing a single list of parts and a suggested "building order". This worksheet links together the following projects: Simple MIDI Monitor Simple MIDI Monitor - part 2 Arduino MIDI Note Monitor Arduino MIDI Channel Monitor Arduino MIDI Tone Module Arduino Multi MIDI … Continue reading WS002 – MIDI In, MIDI Monitors and Effects

WS001 – Tones, Notes and MIDI Out

This is the first of my worksheets collecting together a number of related projects with a single list of parts and a suggested "building order". This worksheet links together the following projects: Arduino Tone Generator Arduino Note Generator Simple Arduino Music Keyboard Arduino Simple MIDI Controller MIDI Patch Button Arduino LDR Pianola Arduino Piezo MIDI … Continue reading WS001 – Tones, Notes and MIDI Out