ESP32 DAC Envelope Generator – Part 2

Following on the back of my ESP32 DAC Envelope Generator and in particular my note at the start that it was essentially the code algorithm and none of the electronics that might make it useful, I started to try to find the simplest possible circuit that Just Might Work as a voltage controlled amplifier (VCA) for … Continue reading ESP32 DAC Envelope Generator – Part 2

Diagnosing and attempting to fix a Yamaha DX100 – Part 2

At the end of part 1, I've established that the basics all seem ok (PCB, interconnections, power) and that basic digital logic stuff is happening. I rounded off my write-up with the following ideas for what to investigate next: Get some proper triggering from the chip enables to check for valid data signals. Check out … Continue reading Diagnosing and attempting to fix a Yamaha DX100 – Part 2

CD Rack Format Zynthian – Part 2

I've recently updated my "CD Rack" box to a horizontal black box, still shaped for my "CD Rack" format modules. But as it is black, and I've a black TX816, I've rebuilt my CD Rack format Zynthian with a black, PCB front panel too. Original Design Notes: CD Rack Format Zynthian. Warning! I strongly recommend using … Continue reading CD Rack Format Zynthian – Part 2

Arduino EEPROM Reader PCB Build Guide

Here are the build notes for my Arduino EEPROM Reader PCB Design. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! If you are new to Arduino, see the Getting Started pages. Bill of Materials Arduino EEPROM Reader PCB (GitHub link below). 2x … Continue reading Arduino EEPROM Reader PCB Build Guide