ESP32 WROOM Educational Modular Synth Thing PCB Build Guide

Here are the build notes for my ESP32 WROOM Educational Modular Synth Thing PCB. Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! If you are new to microcontrollers, see the Getting Started pages. Bill of Materials ESP32 WROOM Educational Modular Synth … Continue reading ESP32 WROOM Educational Modular Synth Thing PCB Build Guide

ESP32 WROOM Educational Modular Synth Thing PCB Design

For the context of this PCB design, see: Educational DIY Synth Thing. The build guide can be found here: ESP32 WROOM Educational Modular Synth Thing PCB Build Guide Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! The Circuit The key design decisions … Continue reading ESP32 WROOM Educational Modular Synth Thing PCB Design

ESP32 DAC Envelope Generator – Part 2

Following on the back of my ESP32 DAC Envelope Generator and in particular my note at the start that it was essentially the code algorithm and none of the electronics that might make it useful, I started to try to find the simplest possible circuit that Just Might Work as a voltage controlled amplifier (VCA) for … Continue reading ESP32 DAC Envelope Generator – Part 2

ESP32 and PWM – Part 3

I'm continuing my look into the ESP32 and PWM. This time I'm adding in some analog control to introduce an element of frequency modulation to the synthesis. Part 1 - All the theory and research around PWM and the ESP32. Part 2 - Generating different waveforms on multiple channels. Part 3 - Introducing analog control and frequency … Continue reading ESP32 and PWM – Part 3