Raspberry Pi Pico MIDI Module PCB

I’ve now built several DIY Raspberry Pi Pico MIDI interfaces, and despite several hints via social media, no-one has come forward to make me a simple MIDI interface module, so I’ve decided to have another go at making a PCB myself.

PicoMIDIPack - 3D


Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments!

These are the key tutorials for the main concepts used in this project:

If you are new to microcontrollers, see the Getting Started pages.

The Circuit

PicoMIDIPack - Schematic

I’m using the same MIDI IN/OUT for 3V3 microcontrollers that I’ve now used many times before.

Note that the capacitor should be 100nF not 100uF.

The Design

I won’t go over the “notes to self” about carrying out the design process, you can read all about that in my previous project.

Here is the thinking behind this new board.

  • I wanted something a little like the Adafruit MIDI Feather Wing, but rather than try to squash everything into the same footprint as the Pico itself (like Pimoroni do with their “packs”) I opted to have the MIDI sockets off to one side.
  • I experimented with a “left hand” and “right hand” version, but went “left handed” as this would allow me to use the interface alongside the Pimoroni dual extender and something like the Pico keypad.
  • I did wonder about breaking all all the IO too, but opted for simplicity.
  • I have given the board the option of using UART0 on GPIO0/1 or UART1 on GPIO4/5 via a jumper (which could be replaced with a low-profile switch).
  • I opted not to bother with a THRU port (or headers to provide one), again going for simplicity.
  • I was originally going with a 52mm square board, but then expanded it slightly vertically to allow me to route tracks around the Pico.  With narrower tracks, I might be able to route between pins, but I didn’t see the need.
  • I originally was going to use solder bridges for the UART selection, but whilst there are footprints and symbols in KiCad for these, I just couldn’t get them working.  There seemed to be some conflict between the PCB constraints and design rules checking and the footprints and I just gave up trying to sort it out, so jumpers it is!

I started using the Raspberry Pi Pico footprint, but that is really designed for times when you want to solder a Pico directly to your board.  In the end I used pin-connector/headers but made sure they were aligned to the mechanical dimensions of the Pico (obtained from its datasheet).

PicoMIDIPack - Gerber


As a consequence of my last board from Seeedstudio Fusion, they offered me a voucher to use again, so I’m using that and sending this one off to them too.  I had no complaints: their service was relatively cheap, pretty quick, and quite painless and the quality of what I got back seemed perfectly fine to me (not that I have anything to compare it with of course!).

Anyway, the design is now “live”, so I’ll report back with a build guide when I get the boards back.

I still haven’t decided how best to publish PCBs yet, so if this is something you are interested in, for now the best thing to do is to ping me a message somehow.

I’d like these to all be open designs, but just haven’t decided how to do it yet!

Closing Thoughts

I pleased to say I haven’t forgotten my KiCad!  I have a few boards I’m now interested in designing, so expect to see more of this in the future.


One thought on “Raspberry Pi Pico MIDI Module PCB

  1. Nice module, and good design choices. I have a featherwing MIDI, and the forces involved plugging/unplugging a 5 pin DIN make worry for the longevity of the board, or the leads to any other board in the stack, such as the pico. Plus the featherwing MIDI mounted directly above makes accessing the buttons on the microcontroller board really awkward.


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