Raspberry Pi Pico Reversible MIDI Out

I wanted a quick “just plug in and use it” MIDI out for my Pico, but in a slightly simpler format than my Raspberry Pi Pico MIDI “pack” Interface, so popped this one together as an alternative.

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Warning! I strongly recommend using old or second hand equipment for your experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments!

These are the key tutorials for the main concepts used in this project:

If you are new to microcontrollers, see the Getting Started pages.

Parts list

  • Raspberry Pi Pico
  • 5 pin DIN MIDI socket
  • 1x 10Ω resistor
  • 1x 33Ω resistor
  • 2x 5-way female headers
  • 2x 3-way male headers
  • 2x jumpers
  • 10×13 proto board

The Circuit


This is the same 3V ready MIDI out interface as described in MIDI, MicroPython and the Raspberry Pi Pico but with two sets of 5-way headers that allow the “USB end” of the Pico to plug straight in.  The basic circuit only needs to connect to 3V, GND and TX and coincidently the TX and 3V pins are on opposite sides of the set of 5 header pins at that end of the Pico making it relatively straightforward to swap them over if the Pico is rotated through 180 degrees.

Consequently, I decided to include a set of jumpers to allow me to plug in the Pico in either orientation.  The jumper settings are shown below the “top view” in the diagram above for the two orientations.

I’ve also included an extra “GND” pin on mine which also allows me to hook up three jumper wires to the 3V, GND and TX and use it on the end of some wires.

There are two views in the diagram above.  On the left is the view from the top, looking down on the 5-pin DIN socket and jumper headers.  The 5-way headers are shown for reference, but these will be underneath the board from this angle, but you’ll need to solder them from this side.

On the right is the view from the bottom of the board, so we are seeing the 5-pin DIN socket and jumper headers from the “solder side” in this view.

Here are a couple of photos of the final build, showing the same orientations as the fritzing diagrams.  My scribbled on “TX” and “VCC” relates to the configuration jumpers, as a reminder, not the 5-way headers or the Pico.

Here is the Pico in “back-to-back” orientation.  Note the locations of the two jumpers.

Here are some photos of the Pico in “elongated orientation”.  Again note that the jumpers are now in the other configuration.

And finally if both jumpers are removed, it can be used with jumper wires with female headers.

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The Code

There is no code associated with this project.  I tested it with my “Pico plays Bach” from MIDI, MicroPython and the Raspberry Pi Pico and on the end of some wires with my Vintage Phone MIDI Controller.

Closing Thoughts

This looks like being quite a useful little module. Yes it is simple to add two resistors inline with a DIN socket, but sometimes its good to be able to grab something to plug in directly for a quick test.


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