OLED MIDI Display – Part 2

As I mentioned in my previous post, it should be possible to connect multiple displays to the same microcontroller. This projects looks into that in a bit more detail. Spoiler - it almost works, but has software limitations!  Read on for details. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard for your MIDI … Continue reading OLED MIDI Display – Part 2

TFT MIDI Display – Part 2

Building on my previous project adding a colour display to an Arduino, I thought I'd use the graphics a little by adding one of those "show the note on the stave" displays you quite often get on modern keyboards. In Part 3 I preset an alternative visualisation. https://youtu.be/p_eLd95G4zc Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or … Continue reading TFT MIDI Display – Part 2

Adafruit Feather MIDI, Music and LEDs

In my last post using the Adafruit Feather, I described how to get the MIDI and Music Maker FeatherWings working together.  This time I'm adding in the CharlieWing LED module. https://youtu.be/Oi54vxumLFc Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard for your MIDI experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive instruments! … Continue reading Adafruit Feather MIDI, Music and LEDs

Lo-Fi Orchestra – War of the Worlds (Part 2)

The Lo-Fi Orchestra presents part two of Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds: The Red Weed The Spirit of Man The Red Weed (part 2) Brave New World Dead London Epilogue Watch part 1 here - Lo-Fi Orchestra – War of the Worlds. https://youtu.be/1ZZevgRbliE All music rights and copyright with original authors, … Continue reading Lo-Fi Orchestra – War of the Worlds (Part 2)