MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter – Part 2

This is a short post showing some of the steps to take the dividing/filter circuit from the MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter to stripboard or protoboard.

If you know how to solder, this is fairly straightforward. If you are not sure, find a good tutorial and then come back and have a go.

Recall, both Adafruit and Sparkfun provide a breakout board and supporting example code, details of which you can find here (although this design is based around the Sparkfun board):

If you are new to Arduino, see the Getting Started pages.

Parts list

  • Arduino Uno
  • MCP4725 breakout board (I have a Sparkfun board and some equivalents)
  • 1x 390Ω resistor (or I used 1×62Ω and 1×330Ω)
  • 1x 110Ω resistor
  • 1x 10uF non-polar capacitor
  • 1x 3.5mm stereo jack socket
  • Protoboard

The Circuit

As a reminder, this is what I am going to be recreating.

2020-09-25 13.26.14

As well as my Sparkfun board shown above, I have some cheap versions with the same pinout, so I don’t mind permanently soldering them into my circuit, so the design below assumes the Sparkfun pinout.

Here is one stripboard design for the circuit.

Recall that I am using a 62Ω and 330Ω resistor in lieu of a single 390Ω, but that is because this is what I have in my parts box.

In the end I ended up using some protoboard which meant I could use an even smaller, 8×6 piece of protoboard.

The idea here was to let the DAC board sit proud of the Arduino, but the rest of the circuit would sit over the Arduino, as follows:

2020-09-24 21.46.09

The Code

For testing, I’ve simply continued to use the code from the last example: MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter.

These new boards use the same I2C address as the Sparkfun board.

Closing Thoughts

Here is the new board in action.

2020-09-25 13.29.59

I’m now looking into how I can use this with Mozzi.  Watch this space.


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