MCP4725 and Mozzi – Part 2

So, ignoring the delirium that turned out to be MCP4725 and Mozzi this is using the built-in I2C "TwoWire" support in the Mozzi library to talk to the MCP4725 and generate audio. Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard for your MIDI experiments.  I am not responsible for any damage to expensive … Continue reading MCP4725 and Mozzi – Part 2

MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter – Part 3

My plan was always to try to use my MCP4725 board with Mozzi eventually, but there is one thing I came to realize that has stopped that ambition.  You can't talk I2C from an interrupt routine using the standard Arduino Wire libraries.  Mozzi uses an interrupt routine to output the audio samples at the required … Continue reading MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter – Part 3

WS002 – MIDI In, MIDI Monitors and Effects

This second worksheet looks at projects related to receiving and processing MIDI messages, providing a single list of parts and a suggested "building order". This worksheet links together the following projects: Simple MIDI Monitor Simple MIDI Monitor - part 2 Arduino MIDI Note Monitor Arduino MIDI Channel Monitor Arduino MIDI Tone Module Arduino Multi MIDI … Continue reading WS002 – MIDI In, MIDI Monitors and Effects

MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter – Part 2

This is a short post showing some of the steps to take the dividing/filter circuit from the MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter to stripboard or protoboard. If you know how to solder, this is fairly straightforward. If you are not sure, find a good tutorial and then come back and have a go. Recall, both … Continue reading MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter – Part 2

MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter

After my experiments with Mozzi, one thing I wanted to try was using a dedicated digital to analog converter (DAC), which is something the common Arduinos lack. After some searching I found the MCP4725 which links up to the Arduino using the I2C bus.  From the datasheet: "The MCP4725 is a low-power, high accuracy, single … Continue reading MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter

Keyboard MIDI Matrix Decode

Following on from my Keyboard Matrix Decode I've now added MIDI out!  So I have a full sized MIDI controller keyboard for the cost of a cheap Arduino Nano clone and a couple of passive components! Warning! I strongly recommend using an old or second hand keyboard for your MIDI experiments.  I am not responsible for … Continue reading Keyboard MIDI Matrix Decode

Lo-Fi Orchestra – Theme from The Black Hole

The Arduino Lo-Fi Orchestra presents the main title theme from The Black Hole. A theme you don't here very much these days, but one I think really sets a great atmosphere for the film. I'm sure John Barry would have written the original for Arduino's had they existed back in 1979! All music rights … Continue reading Lo-Fi Orchestra – Theme from The Black Hole