Arduino MPR121 Touch Piano

This project uses on off-the-shelf capacitive touch shield or module to provide touch-sensitive pads for a 12 (recommended for beginners) to 48 (advanced) note “piano”.


These are the key Arduino tutorials for the main concepts used in this project:

If you are new to Arduino, see the Getting Started pages.

Parts list

  • Arduino Uno
  • MPR121 capacitive touch breakout boards (see below for some options)
  • 5V to 3.3V level shifter module (optional)
  • 8 ohm speaker or old headphone speaker
  • 1x 220Ω resistor
  • Breadboard and jumper wires

The Circuit

The easiest modules to use are from Adafruit, so I suggest you take a look at:

As you can see one is a shield for the Arduino Uno with crocodile clip friendly connections.  The other is a generic breakout board with headers for using with a solderless breadboard and any microcontroller of your choice.

For an alternative, if you search for MPR121 on popular auction sites or Chinese suppliers you will find a number of breakout boards that look very similar to the now discontinued Sparkfun Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout board, again designed for use with solderless breadboards and any microcontroller you fancy.  The one I found looks like this:


I have an Adafruit shield and several cheap ebay modules, so I’m basing the rest of this project around those.

Using a Single Module – 12 Inputs

By the far the simplest thing is to use one of these modules to provide 12 inputs. In the case of the Adafruit shield, just plug in the shield and you are ready to go!

In the case of the non-Adafruit modules, the following connections are required:

Arduino 3.3V      --- 3.3V or VIN
Arduino GND       --- GND
Arduino SDA or A4 --- SDA
Arduino SCL or A5 --- SCL

One key feature worth noting is that the MPR121 chip itself is a 3.3V device not 5V.  The Adafruit boards include an on-board regulator which happily takes care of the power conversion.  The non-Adafruit devices do not, they have to be powered from the 3.3V supply of the Arduino or you will damage the boards.

Now all the circuits and tutorials I’ve seen imply that as long as you power the module from the 3.3V pin of the Arduino, then you can link up SDA and SCL to the Arduino and it just works.  But this means that you are using 5V logic at the Arduino end to talk to 3.3V logic at the MPR121 end.  This might be ok – the MPR121 datasheet wasn’t very illuminating on the topic.  In practice this does seem to work, but I don’t know for how long.

Extending to Multiple Modules – up to 48 Inputs

All of these modules use one of the built-in communication busses of the Arduino for communications – in this case the I2C interface (which stands for Inter-Integrated Circuit) which is a serial protocol using a data signal (SDA), a clock (SCL), power and ground.  I’ll not go into the details of how I2C works here, but it is worth noting that every device connected to I2C has an address to uniquely identify it to the Arduino.

All of these boards allow you to choose one of four addresses.  By default, its address is 0x5A (that is 5A in hexadecimal).  By linking the ADDR (or ADD) pin to one of 3.3V, SDA or SCL it is possible to change the default and choose 0x5B, 0x5C or 0x5D.  This means a single microcontroller than support up to 48 capacitive touch inputs using these modules.

I have to say, the Adafruit modules are very simple to change address – just patch the ADDR pin to one of 3.3V, SDA or SCL, or leave it unconnected (it is linked to GND by default).  The Sparkfun based boards are more complication in that they need you to cut a track between a jumper that will default to connecting ADD(R) to ground or you risk shorting the board.

At the very least, I found that the address selection using SDA or SCL doesn’t work when using 5V levels.

The solution, if you are using one of these boards with no on-board regulator, is to use a bi-directional level shifter that takes 5V on one side and converts it to 3.3V on the other.  This can be used for the SDA/SCL signal pins. Mine looks like this.

Level Shifter

IMPORTANT: Recall that there is a jumper that has to be cut to allow ADDR to be linked to another pin for second and subsequent boards.  For my module, this is on the underside as shown here.

2020-08-23 19.50.55

To resort back to the default setting, the link between ADDR and GND must be re-established either by a solder joint here or linking the external pin to GND.

The final circuit for me, supporting several of these MPR121 breakout boards looks like this.


In summary, the Adafruit modules are much easier to use, in fact the shield is very easy to setup!  The Adafruit module is easier if you plan to use several modules linked together, but the non-Adafruit modules can be made to work ok and can be found very cheaply online if you look.

The Code

Regardless of which module you chose, Adafruit have provided an Arduino library for the MPR121 which works really well with any module based around the MPR121 chip.  You need to install it using the library manager – just search for MPR121 and you’ll see “Adafruit_MPR121”.  The provided example code is a quick way to test that your module is working using simple “one-module” connections as described above.

I have taken the basic code from the Arduino Touch Piano and updated it to use the Adafruit library.

Now, I want to support up to four of these modules, which will therefore support up to 48 capacitive inputs – that is enough for four octaves!  So I’ve used the ToneMelody pitches.h file once again to define frequencies for the Arduino tone() function for the range C3 up to B6.

The Adafruit library links up to the MPR121 using a Adafruit_MPR121 programming object, so to support four devices I include four of these objects (called cap1 to cap4).

// It is possible to have up to four of these connected.
// But it needs the "addresses" to be set correctly.
Adafruit_MPR121 cap1 = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 cap2 = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 cap3 = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 cap4 = Adafruit_MPR121();

In the code I look for devices at each of the four I2C bus addresses (0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D) and record any I find using the “numcaps” variable. Note that I actually use the lowest four bits to record which modules are found, so the first module (at 0x5A) is indicated by the lowest bit (i.e. numcaps = 1) and the others by bits 2, 3 and 4 (or values of 2, 4, and 8 respectively).  This means I am able to work out which of the boards are present later in the code by examining the bits of numcaps.

Then in the main loop() function I scan any found devices (by examining the bits of numcaps) and read the 12 inputs for each one.

 // Loop through all possible cap devices
for (int c=0; c<4; c++) {
  // Get the currently touched pads for all found cap devices
  uint16_t currtouched;
  if (numcaps & (1<<c)) {
    switch (c) {
    case 0:
      currtouched = cap1.touched(); break;
    case 1:
      currtouched = cap2.touched(); break;
    case 2:
      currtouched = cap3.touched(); break;
    case 3:
      currtouched = cap4.touched(); break;

I then use this as the basis for which note to play via the tone() function.  The code will always “play” the highest note detected and will keep playing until either the note changes or no notes are detected.

If you turn on the Arduino serial monitor, there is a continual feed of debug output that tells you which sensors have been read at any one time which can be handy for fault finding.

The standard 220Ω resistor-to-speaker circuit is added from pin 12 and GND for the audio output to complete the module.

Find it on GitHub here.

Closing Thoughts

These modules make it relative easily to do a “diy” version of the Instant Touch Music.  With a bit of work it can be seen that many more inputs are possible. These modules certainly take much of the complication of capacitive sensing away from the code compared to doing it all by hand.

Now that I’ve introduced the idea of communicating with off the shelf modules using one of the built-in IO busses from the Arduino, there are many more modules that have musical potential that could be looked at.


7 thoughts on “Arduino MPR121 Touch Piano

  1. Kevin, any chance you could show us how to shoehorn this into a 5 pin midi device? you would be the champ!


  2. I’m not entirely sure I understand what you mean – do you mean use this as a MIDI controller using 5-pin MIDI as the connection? If so, then this post talks about adding MIDI output to a touch interface:

    If you mean include all the electronics and processing into another device, then that very much depends on the device I guess…? Can you be a little more specific?



    1. A version of the “arduino-midi-touch-piano” using 4 MPR121 sensors like the advanced version of this project.


  3. So if I understand you correctly, you’d like a 48-note MIDI touch controller? So a MIDI version of the above post? If so, that shouldn’t be too tricky… I’ll have a look.


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